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USNIC Ready4Nuclear Western Nuclear Suppliers Workshop


Advance Agenda Topics

Current and Future Nuclear Power Generation/Supplier Landscape


What Nuclear Reactor Companies Need


Required Certifications, Capabilities and Resources 


Becoming an Approved Vendor 


Breaking into the Nuclear Power Plant Supply Chain


Building a Regional Supply Chain Cluster


Workforce Development 


NRC and Export Control Regulations


Export Markets 


Speed Matching (Conference attendees give three-minute elevator speeches on company capabilities, components/services provided, including advanced manufacturing interests.)


To view the detailed Advance Agenda, click here




Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities

Join us as a sponsor or exhibitor at the USNIC Ready4Nuclear Western Nuclear Suppliers Workshop.  


The USNIC Ready4Nuclear Western Nuclear Suppliers Workshop will include a platform for companies, suppliers, and innovators to present, discuss and display new and developing technology to attendees as part of the Workshop. This is your chance to showcase technology or processes that your company or organization is using or developing to key nuclear energy decision-makers within the nuclear industry. During networking times you will be able to showcase your company's products to a captive audience of industry and government influentials, allowing you to expand your reach, interact with key decision-makers, and leave with a network to move your initiatives and products forward. 


Please note: limited space is available for this exclusive showcase opportunity; be sure to secure your space soon!


For more information on the Industry Showcase at the Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chain Summit, please click on the Sponsorship Prospectus button below or contact Caleb Ward at or (202) 332-8845.


Optional INL Tours 

On Wednesday afternoon, May 16, participants in the USNIC Ready4Nuclear Western Nuclear Suppliers Workshop will have the option to tour Idaho National Laboratory's Human System Simulation Laboratory or High Temperature Test Laboratory.  


Please note that space is limited and on a first come first serve basis. Tour options also require advance security screening to access INL's campus and more time is needed to process foreign nationals. Foreign Nationals will have to complete the attached form, found here, and return to Lori McNamara ( by April 2nd.


Tour Info:


Human System Simulation Laboratory

The Human System Simulation Laboratory (HSSL) at Idaho National Laboratory is a complete virtual nuclear control room created to safely test new technologies before they are implemented in real commercial reactor control rooms. The HSSL can interactively simulate digital, analog and combination systems with touch-screen versions of physical controls like switches, gauges, keyboards and other interfaces. This one-of-a-kind control room simulator is configurable and can support a variety of real control room formats, to test emerging control room technologies such as digital upgrades.


Click here for additional information about HSSL.


High Temperature Test Laboratory

In order to understand how materials respond to irradiation, researchers need to get real-time information from experiments inside test reactors. The High Temperature Test Laboratory (HTTL) at Idaho National Laboratory creates specialized sensors that can fit inside a test reactor and monitor various properties within the core during irradiation experiments.


Click here for additional information about HTTL.


We have secured a limited amount of hotel rooms at a discounted rate of $124 (breakfast included) at the Hilton Garden Inn Idaho Falls. To book your hotel room call the hotel at the number below and give them the Group code "USN" or click on the "Book Now" button below. 





Hilton Garden Inn Idaho Falls

700 Lindsay Blvd, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83402, USA

TEL: +1-208-522-9500

Group Name: USNIC

Group Code: USN


Deployment - Pacific Northwest

August 27-28, 2019

PNNL - Richland, WA

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