Deployment - Pacific Norwest
August 27-28, 2019 | PNNL-Discovery Hall
Detailed Advance Agenda
Morning Plenary
8:30 AM
Dr. Steven Ashby
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The Honorable Matt Boehnke
8th Legislative District
Washington State
The Honorable Robert Thompson
City of Richland, Washington
9:00 AM
Stage Setter: U.S. & Global Nuclear Energy Landscape
Dr. James Conca
Contributing Columnist, Energy & Nuclear
Chief Technical Officer
UFA Ventures, Inc.
9:30 AM
Opportunity: Advanced Nuclear on the Move
Mr. Spain Abney
Senior Reactor Operator Manager
NuScale Power
Dr. Francesco Venneri
Chief Executive Officer
Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation
10:15 AM
10:45 AM
Pacific Northwest Supplier Perspective
Mr. Bradley Dunkin
Advanced Manufacturing Solutions
Chairman, USNIC Manufacturing & Supply Chain Working Group
11:15 AM
Opportunity: The U.S. Decommissioning Market
Mr. Jay Brister
Vice President, Business Development
Vice-Chair USNIC D&D Task Force
11:45 AM
Opportunity: DOE Environmental Management Perspective
Mr. Brian Vance
Manager, Hanford Office of River Protection & Richland Operations Office
U.S. Department of Energy
12:15 PM
Afternoon Plenary
1:15 PM
View from the Pacific Northwest
Dr. Mark Nutt
Manager, Nuclear Market Sector
Mr. Carl Adrian
2:00 PM
Elements for Success: Human Capital
Ms. Amy Lientz
Director of Energy Industry Supply Chain
Idaho National Laboratory
2:30 PM
Elements for Success: Regulatory Compliance - Export Controls
Ms. Katie Strangis
Senior Policy Advisor, Nonproliferation & International Security
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
Elements for Success: Managing Export Control
Mr. Alex Polonsky
Morgan Lewis
4:00 PM
Elements for Success: "Safety Culture" & The NRC's Requirements Under 10 CFR Part 21
Ms. Jane Accomando
Morgan Lewis
4:30 PM
Advanced Manufacturing/Sold Phase Processing Manufacturing For Nuclear
Dr. Cynthia Powell
Director, Energy Processes & Materials Division
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Networking Reception Sponsored by USNIC & TRIDEC
Goose Ridge Estate Vineyard & Winery
16304 Dallas Rd, Richland, WA 99352
8:30 AM
Congressional Perspective
Ms. Raquel Ferrell Crowley
Central Washington Director
Office of Senator Patty Murray
Mr. Rick Evans
Central Washington Outreach Director
Office of Senator Maria Cantwell
Mr. Josh Lozano
Deputy District Director
Office of Congressman Dan Newhouse
9:00 AM
Stage Setter: Pacific Northwest Power Industry Perspective
Mr. Greg Cullen
Director, Generation and Technology Development
Energy Northwest
9:30 AM
Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear Initiatives
Dr. John Jackson
Acting Director, GAIN
GAIN Technical Interface/NSUF Industry Program Lead
Idaho National Laboratory
10:00 AM
Opportunity: Versatile Test Reactor
Dr. Eric Loewen
Chief Consulting Engineer
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
10:30 AM
10:50 AM
Opportunity: Fuel Manufacturing & Future Fuel Supply
Mr. Jeff Whitt
Director of Government Services
Government Operations & Advanced Reactors
11:20 AM
Subsequent License Renewal
Mr. David Blee
President & CEO
11:50 PM
First Mover Customers
Mr. Tay Stevenson
Envoy Public Labs
12:20 PM
Participants in Ready4Nuclear: Deployment - Pacific Northwest have the option to take part in the following tours. Participants may choose up to two tours, a 1:30 PM tour and 3:30 PM tour. The Fuels and Materials Examination Facility (FMEF) tour and the NuScale Control Room Simulator tour both require advance registration by Aug. 21.
Please note that participants will be responsible for their own travel to and from each tour.
Tour Options:
1:30 PM
Fuels and Materials Examination Facility (FMEF)
FMEF is recognized as a highly valuable asset that would be very expensive to replicate. The facility was designed to support the United States' breeder reactor program by manufacturing large quantities of plutonium-oxide fuels and to manipulate, disassemble and inspect irradiated fuel assemblies. It was never used and no hazardous or radioactive materials have ever been introduced to the facility, leaving it well-suited for future work in advanced fuels R&D and manufacturing.*
*This facility requires Department of Energy badging. Please RSVP for this tour by no later than Wednesday, August 21.
1:30 PM
Columbia Basin College Nuclear Technology Programs
Columbia Basin College works with the local nuclear industry to offer students the ability to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree in Nuclear Technology with three emphasis areas to choose from:
Instrumentation & Control Technician
Non-Licensed Nuclear Operator
Radiation Protection Technician
Faculty teaching in the Nuclear Technology program all work in industry and teach classes related to their areas of specialization.
Tour participants will also learn about Columbia Basin College's Industrial Health & Safety Technology program, which is co-located with Nuclear Technology.
Address: 2600 N. 20th Ave., Pasco, WA 99301
3:30 PM
NuScale Control Room Simulator
Participants will learn about NuScale's innovative plan for operating all 12 Small Modular Reactor (SMR) modules from one control room at the company's control room simulator based in Richland, WA.
Address: 1933 Jadwin Ave., Suite 130, Richland, WA 99354
3:30 PM
United Association Local 598 Training Center
Visitors will learn about the instructional programs offered at the United Association (UA) of Plumbers & Steamfitter's Joint Apprenticeship Training Center in Pasco, WA. This center offers a 5-year, 10,000 hour world-class training program which encompasses all aspects of plumbing and pipefitting, including nuclear-grade welding, instrumentation & controls, and rigging. UA members who complete this training are often dispatched to work at commercial nuclear facilities across the country.
Address: 1328 Rd 28, Pasco, WA 99301