Goes Global
U.S. - Canada Nuclear Energy Leadership Summit
August 28-29, 2018
The Omni King Edward Hotel
Toronto, Canada
A Special Nuclear Energy Supplier Forum Focused on
Key North American Nuclear Energy Business Opportunities
Under the auspices of the
U.S. Nuclear Industry Council
and in conjunction with the
Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries
By Invitation and With Advance Registration Only
Space is Limited

About Ready4Nuclear
Ready4Nuclear is an initiative of the US Nuclear Industry Council that provides a platform for nuclear energy suppliers to network, dialog and exchange market perspectives with key industry enablers, opinion leaders and policy shapers. Recent Ready4Nuclear events have included workshops in Idaho for Western U.S. and Canadian suppliers; Pittsburgh, PA; Oak Ridge, TN; St. Louis, Mo.
Key Summit Market Focuses
Key Summit Market Focuses
Current Fleet
Vogtle 3-4 Expansion
Darlington and Bruce Life Extension
U.S. Subsequent License Renewal (Life after 60)
New Build
Canadian SMR Roadmap
U.S. Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) deployment
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories SMR Demonstration & Deployment
Micro-Reactors/Very Small Modular Reactors (vSMRs)
Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Completion
Supply Chain & Advanced Manufacturing
Advanced Manufacturing Initiatives
Accident Tolerant Fuel development
Supply Chain Innovations to improve plant performance
Human Capital challenge
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission SMR Vendor Design Reviews
U.S. NRC Advanced Reactors Initiatives
U.S. D&D Status & Outlook
Canadian D&D Status & Outlook
Market, Policy & Political Landscape
Market Incentives
Clean Energy Value Proposition
U.S. Section 232 Uranium Imports Review


Sponsors & Exhibitors​
Special Event Sponsors
Welcome Reception
Ready4Nuclear Networking Reception
Leadership Showcase Exhibitors
As Canada's premier nuclear science and technology (S&T) organization Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) serves the nation as an enabler of business innovation and technology transfer. CNL is Canada's premier nuclear science and technology organization. CNL is a world leader in developing peaceful and innovative applications from nuclear technology through its expertise in physics, metallurgy, chemistry, biology and engineering. Highly skilled employees enthusiastically deliver a range of nuclear services - ranging from research and development, design and engineering to specialized technology, waste management and decommissioning. Today, CNL continues its commitment to ensure that Canadians and the world receive energy, health, and environmental benefits from nuclear science and technology with confidence that nuclear safety and security are assured.
For more information visit: www.cnl.ca
Established in 1934, E.S. Fox Limited has earned a reputation as a people-first, environmentally conscious, socially responsible constructor and is recognized today as a preeminent Canadian multi-trade Industrial, Commercial, Institutional (ICI), and nuclear constructor and fabricator. Headquartered in Niagara Falls, Ontario, the company maintains full-service regional offices in Hamilton, Toronto, Port Robinson, Kincardine, Whitby, Kingston, Thunder Bay and Sudbury. With over 125,000 sq. ft. of production space, E.S. Fox's fabrication divisions has the capacity to handle the most sophisticated of assignments. The company's Technical Services division provides single-source multi-trade proactive and predictive facility maintenance service solutions throughout Ontario. Their large fleet of Mobile Service Centers, on 24/7 standby, are fully equipped with the finest diagnostic equipment and comprehensive parts inventory, enabling their Service Technicians to respond to an emergency without delay.
For more information visit: www.esfox.com
Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is the United States's lead laboratory for nuclear energy research, development, demonstration and deployment and we are engaged in the mission of ensuring the nation's energy security with safe, competitive and sustainable energy systems and unique national and homeland security capabilities.
For more information, visit us at www.inl.gov.
Sponsorship & Exhibit
Join us as a sponsor or exhibitor at the Ready4Nuclear U.S.-Canada Leadership Summit. Ready4Nuclear provides a showcase for companies, suppliers and innovators to present, discuss and display technologies and services to leading business development and industry enablers.
For more information on sponsoring or exhibiting, please click on the Sponsorship Prospectus button below or contact Caleb Ward at caleb.ward@usnic.org or (202) 332-8845.
Please note: limited space is available for this exclusive showcase opportunity; be sure to secure your space soon!
The United States Nuclear Industry Council (USNIC) is the leading U.S. business consortium advocate for new nuclear and promotion of the American supply chain globally. Composed of over 80 companies USNIC represents the "Who's Who" of the nuclear supply chain community, including key utility movers, technology developers, construction engineers, manufacturers and service providers. USNIC encompasses eight working groups and select task forces including a Manufacturing & Supply Chain Working Group. For more information visit www.usnic.org.
About Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI)
Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) is an association of more than 200 Canadian suppliers to the nuclear industry that employ more than 12,000 highly skilled and specialized engineers, technologists, and tradespeople. OCNI companies design reactors, manufacture major equipment and components, and provide engineering services and support to CANDU nuclear power plants in Canada as well as to CANDU and Light Water Reactor (LWR) plants in offshore markets. For more information, visit us at www.ocni.ca.
We have secured a limited amount of hotel rooms at a discounted rate of $259 (CAD) at the OMNI King Edward Hotel. To book your hotel room call the hotel at the number below and give them the Group Name "USNIC-OCNI Summit" or click on the "Book Now" button below.
37 King Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1E9
TEL: 1-800-THE-OMNI (1-800-843-6664)
Group Name: USNIC-OCNI Summit